’12 Online Registration Now Open

Online registration for all Silverton Alpine Running events is now open on Ultra Signup! Sign-up now to take advantage of early discounts. Information for 2012 has also been updated to all event websites.

June 30 – Silverton 6/12/24 Hour

July 21 – Kendall Mountain Run

August 25 – Silverton Alpine Marathon & 50K

Registration is also now open for Rodger Wrublik’s Silverton 1000, 6 Day, 72 Hour, 48 Hour, and 24 Hour:  Silverton 1000 Registration | Silverton 1000 Website

Silverton Alpine Running Is Born

Aravaipa Running is proud to continue the rich running history of Silverton and the San Juan Mountains by presenting the following events in 2012. Stay tuned for additional details and registration.

Silverton 6/12/24 Hour Mountain Run (NEW)
June 30, 2012
1 mile loop around Kendall Mountain Recreation Area

Kendall Mountain Run
July 21, 2012
1/2 and full marathon to the top of Kendall Mountain

Silverton Alpine Marathon & 50 Km
August 25, 2012
Marathon & 50 Km on alpine loop jeep roads

For now, check out this cool video from Ninah Hunter, a 2010 finisher of the legendary Kendall Mountain Run:

Jamil & Nick Coury
Aravaipa Running
Silverton Alpine Running